Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Best Ideas of the Economic Crisis

The following is a list of the best ideas of this financial crisis.

1) It's pretty clear to everyone with half a brain that Medicare/Medical, Social Security, the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, and a whole host of other government programs are woefully underfunded. The best solution? Simple. Leverage them up. With a higher debt load these programs can increase their return and solve all of our problems.

2) I heard an awfully funny rumor that Moody's and S&P were in danger of being downgraded and placed on negative watch.

3) The Dow Jones is very shortly going to need a replacement for General Motors. Some of the talk of replacements include Apple and Google. My suggestion? The United States Government. It's certainly large enough and it owns financial companies, car companies, insurance companies, and more.

4) The problem in the housing market is too much supply. All these foreclosed houses just keep adding inventory to the housing market. The solution is simple. Destroy the supply. Literally. Just take a bulldozer to the houses. Everyone is a winner. Yay.

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