Thursday, June 11, 2009


I've found when I get overly frustrated it helps me to find humor in life. My latest humorous tirade comes courtesy of gold. If you read articles or comments on gold the views could not be more divergent. On the one hand is the group of people that say gold is totally worthless. It costs money to store and guard, its heavy, it's expensive to ship, you can't eat it, you can't spend it in a store, on and on...

These people are totally right. Gold is one of the most useless things on the planet.

The other group of people are the paranoid group. They don't really fit in with everyone else. They view everything with suspicion. They don't trust the government and those funny paper bills. They don't listen to anyone. So what do they do? They buy something they can use to trade with. Something that throughout human history has been perceived as "money." They buy gold and pay a hefty price for it.

So who is right? Both of course. Gold is utterly and completely worthless and yet because of its potential use as money it costs almost $1000 for a measly ounce.

I'm a paranoid sort. I bought some gold.

I'll leave you with one of the funnier comments I've seen lately "In the olden days we built our bubbles around something, be it tulips, shares of internet companies or houses. Now a days these young whipper-snappers are trying to build a bubble out of pure confidence."

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